Sky and Fireworks Photos

Bear with me, there are going to be a lot of photos. Some are from a walk and a lot of fireworks from the Fourth of July holiday. We were not allowed to shoot off fireworks in the apartment complex were I live. I ended up walking around enjoying everyone else's fireworks.


  1. Good to see you had a bang up 4th of July. Lovely fireworks, and I also like your reflection photo.

  2. Like you, we just walked around and looked at the fireworks being set off by others in our neighborhood. But no big shows or displays in my area.

  3. Nice fireworks photos! Mine always look like blurs in the dark.

  4. Lovely fireworks shots!

    Happy Tuesday!

  5. Your fireworks photos turned out great! If it goes up or blows up, then it's banned in our town. However, that didn't stop people! Although I enjoy fireworks, I feel sorry for the poor dogs who are terrified by the noise.

  6. That looks like a great place to visit and some fun fireworks.

  7. Marvelous photos, each of them!
    Thanks for joining us at, Julie. Hope to see you each week!

  8. beautiful views and lovely ducks


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